Buckingham Parish Church

Welcome to the Photo Gallery!

Below are a few pictures to illustrate
the kind of activities which go on at
the Parish Church.

6pm service led by our young people.

On Sunday night 16th February, many of our young people helped to plan and lead the evening service. Youth leader Sam spoke, and four teenagers and one adult were baptised by full immersion. It was an excellent service and very well attended.

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Saturday morning conference 18 Jan 2025.

It was good to welcome Adrian Galvin, who led over 80 of us in 'The Freedom we have in Christ'

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New Year Party Dec 2024 to Jan 2025.

Huge thanks to Sarah Harrison for a splendid New Year's Eve party. We enjoyed all sorts of games and quizzes, with bingo, ending with a blessing and fireworks just after midnight.

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Community Christmas Lunch 10th December 2024.

Thanks once again to Sheila Handley and her wonderful team who provided over 80 Christmas lunches of the highest order. Pupils from Buckingham school  entertained us before the meal, and Tina conducted the U3A Ensemble towards the end.

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Church weekend away 27th - 29th September 2024.

We had a fabulous weekend away at Kent's Hill in Milton Keynes. Our visiting speakers were Paul and Christine Perkin, who inspired us as they unwrapped Ephesians for us. A highlight for some would be the karaoke evening on Saturday; for others it would be the seminar on Neuro-diversity led by Sarah Harrison Potts.

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Revd. Paul Perkin

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Christine Perkin

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Sarah Harrison Potts with Andrew Gibson

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Baptisms and a Barbecue at BPC on 1st September 2024.

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John Bell at BPC

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Ali Burt leaves us.

On Sunday 4th August we sadly said farewell to Ali Burt. Ali was a major part of the scene at BCP - the Production Team and Worship Leader to name but two. We enjoyed a barbecue after the 5pm service. We wish Ali well as he seeks God's future for him.

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It was good to see Danny Rodgers making a welcome return...

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...with the rest of his family!

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Thanks to Alex and Jacqui for the barbecue.

Judith steps down

We said a sad farewell to Centre manager Judith Wigley, who has been looking after the Centre so effectively. A party was held to thank her for sterling service. Amir has now taken on the mantle, and we wish him well in the new role.

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Jo Wigley is ordained Deacon at a service in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, on Saturday 30th June 2024.

Jo Wigley, daughter of  Revd Max Wigley and mother to soon-to-be-ordained Jacob Wigley, was ordained Deacon at a splendid service on a beautiful day, witnessed by a goodly number of friends and family, Bishop Stephen officiated.

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And then Jo was leading the 9am service at church the following morning; her father, Max Wigley was presiding at communion.

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VIP Party at church 10th May 2024
Thanks to a generous donation, we were able to put on a splendid party to thank all those who serve at church in many different capacities, and award Oscars (slightly tongue-in-cheek!) to a number of individuals.

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Annual Church Meeting 2024
We gathered as one church at 10.30am on Sunday 28th April to celebrate 12 months of church life in all its variety.










Kate's licensing
Kate Pellereau, late of this parish, was licensed as Associate Minister at St Laurence's Church, Foleshill in the Diocese of Coventry on Thursday 1st February, 2024. The vicar is Revd Gareth Irvine and the licensing was carried out by Ven Barry Dugmore, Archdeacon Missioner in the Diocese of Coventry.

Kate licensing leaflet

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Vicar, Revd Gareth Irvine

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Archdeacon Barry Dugdale

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Friends and family in the Hall after the service

Nine lessons and carols
Our Service of Nine Lessons and Carols was held at 6pm on Sunday 17th December. When everyone was seated, holding a candle, all lights were turned off and, starting from a single lit candle, all our candles were lit, the light spreading slowly throughout the church. The singing was well-led by the Buckingham Choral Society, and the service was led by the Rector, Revd Will Pearson-Gee.

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Community Christmas lunch
The Community Christmas Lunch was held in church on Tuesday 12th December. Many thanks to Sheila Handley and the ladies (and one man!) who helped make it a splendid occasion. Thanks also to Rob Tucker and the school players, and the U3A small orchestra conducted by Tina Mitchell. And well done Ann for all the flowers!

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Advent lunch
We held an Advent Bring-and-share Lunch at the Centre on Sunday 3rd December, to which about 40 people came. Many thanks to Judith and team for setting it up and clearing away, and to everyone who brought delicious offerings!

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On Sunday 26th November at the 9am service, BPC held a Confirmation service, at which three adults and five children were confirmed. The officiating bishop was Rt Rev Tim Wambunya, an assistant bishop in the Oxford Diocese.

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The town-wide service of Remembrance was held by the War Memorial at church on Sunday 12th November 2023.
It was well attended despite the rain, which stopped just before the service started.


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We held our Harvest Supper in church on Saturday 16th September.
Thanks to all those who made it a great success. Tributes to Martin and Vicky who devised and ran the quiz.

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Winning team member

Jacob Max Wigley married Hannah Dunn-Coleman on a sunny day in early September.
On Saturday 2nd September 2023, Jacob married Hannah in a strongly Christian service led by Will Pearson-Gee.




















Benefice lunch at Whaddon
A Benefice lunch was held in Whaddon Jubilee Hall on Sunday 30th July 2023. About 28 people attended, from Buckingham and the villages.
Thanks Sally, Barry, Hazel and others who made the arrangements, and to everyone who brought such delicious food!

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Quiz night at church
We held a Quiz evening at church on Friday 30th June 2023. Hannah Hailey has been working in Thailand for the past few months, supporting 35 disadvantaged children. The quiz night aimed to raise funds for the charity Place of Grace. As well as quiz questions, there was an auction of a range of delights, all of which raised more than £2000!

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Ope's first Communion! 
Ope Ayileye was ordained priest at St Mary's Wendover recently, and at 9am on Sunday June 25th 2023 he presided at a Eucharistic service at BPC for the first time.

Ope takes first communion at B

Ope ordination as priest

Annual Parish Meeting 2023
Well over 200 people attended the Annual meeting, which was held during the 10.30am service at BPC on 30th April 2023. A packed lunch was provided after the service.

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Good Friday 2023
Following the short service at BPC, the cross was carried down to the Old Gaol for a service led by the Salvation Army.

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New Year's Eve party
Sarah Harrison did a brilliant job of arranging the New Year's Eve party. We played a number of mad games and enjoyed an excellent feast. All ages were represented, and we were all impressed by the way some of the youngest survived until after midnight!

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Community Christmas lunch
Our annual Christmas lunch for the community happened on Tuesday 13th December, with a full Christmas feast of turkey with all the trimmings, Christmas pudding and mince pies. We were serenaded first by a music group from Royal Latin School, and then by the U3A Recorder Group. Many thanks to Sheila Handley and team for an excellent meal, and to Rob Tucker and Tina Mitchell for the wonderful music!

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Ian Paul at church
Rev Ian Paul came to Buckingham on Saturday/Sunday 5th/6th November. On Saturday he took us through the book of Revelation - which was a revelation! On Sunday he preached at all three services on Human Sexuality and led a Q&A session at the Centre.
On Saturday at 3pm we met in church.
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On Sunday at 3pm we had a Q&A at The Centre.

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Listening Day at church

Rev Margaret Whipp led a Listening Day at church on Saturday 13th August. Thanks to those who made all the arrangements, especially the delicious lunch provided!
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Lunch at church
We held the second Summer Sunday Bring and Share church lunch on 31st July. Our visiting preacher at the 10am service was Bruce Gillingham who spoke on 'the Ministry of Senior Christians'. He stayed to lunch and answered questions at the end. Thanks to Judith and the team for the excellent organisation of the meal!

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Bishop's visit
Bishop Steven came to Buckingham on Thursday 7th July as part of Deanery visitations round the whole diocese. He had supper and discussion with a number of lay church members at the Centre (thanks Georgie), and then came to the Parish Church for a Q&A session. Jacob prayed for him at the end.

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Lighting the Beacon
On 2nd June, the whole country celebrated with Queen Elizabeth the 70 years of her reign. Beacons were lit throughout the land, and one was on the roof of Buckingham Parish Church.  A good number came to this unique occasion. Revd. Will Pearson-Gee opened proceedings, and the mayor, Cllr Margaret Gateley, spoke and then pressed the button to light the beacon.              

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Jubilee Community Lunch 2022
Community lunch was very special on May 31st; we met to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We started by singing some old familiar songs, than we were served a wonderful menu (see picture below). Thanks to Sheila Handley and her splendid team of helpers.  

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Good Friday 2022
We started with a short ecumenical service in church, then processed to meet outside The Old Gaol. Many then moved to The Centre in Verney Close for Hot Cross Buns and coffee. 

Rev Will Pearson-Gee led the church service, and Fr Andy Ollard preached. Prayers were led by Rev Tim Edworthy. At the Old Gaol, Kate Pellereau spoke and Capt Xander Coleman led.

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Spring clean
A few stalwarts came and did a great job spring cleaning on 19th March 2022.








Farewell to Bob
We said farewell to Bob Johnstone, Centre caretaker/manager, on 28th February 2022.

We were sorry to see Bob leaving the Centre, due to ill-health. He and his wife Joan will be missed..

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Christmas Lunch
We held our Community Christmas Lunch on 4th December 2021.

About 90 guests came, and 14 volunteer staff served a wonderful lunch of turkey and duck with all trimmings, Christmas pudding and custard, and mince pies.Tina Mitchell conducted the U3A Recorder groups, and Brian Roskell led us in some Yuletide songs from the keyboard. Many thanks to Sheila Handley and team for a most enjoyable time.

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Confirmation 2021
Bishop Graham Dow took our Confirmation service.

Several candidates came forward for baptism, and others for Confirmation, on Sunday 3rd October at 6pm. Most of Ollie's family were involved!

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October 2nd was a big day: we combined a teaching day, a Harvest Supper and a Barn Dance!

Rev John Bavington came from his Bradford church as the inaugural event of our new link. He brought members of his church who contributed to the day. At 5.15pm we enjoyed a Harvest Supper, followed by a Barn Dance- brilliant!

John Bavington

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Kate Pellareau takes her first communion service!


Following her priesting, Kate led her first communion service on Sunday 27th June at 9am.

Kate first presidency

(Photo: Brian Hubbard)


Kate Pellareau is priested!

After a year as deacon, our curate Kate was ordained priest by Alan, Bishop of Buckingham, on Saturday 26th June 2021. This means she can (among other things) preside at a communion service.
She was one of six from the Buckingham Area, the others being James, Samson, Peter, Gareth and Ross.

Kate priesting  Ordination of priests

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Baptism in church

One baptism and two renewals of baptismal vows took place in church in 23rd May.
First in was Paul, followed by Brian, both renewing their vows.
Then Donna was baptised, to great acclaim!

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Church Clock renovation January 2020

At Buckingham Parish Church, on Thursday 30th January, the clock hands were set to show 12 o’clock, to help to recognise that it’s not operating. Just as churches seek to bring new life to those who attend, it is time (!) to bring new life to an ageing clock.
Since the clock was a new installation as far back as 1807, it was indeed high time. Though designed to ring the quarters all through the day, this one sadly hasn’t been heard for over 25 years. Mercifully for local residents, the chimes can be (and will be) silenced during the night.
Experts arrived from Cumbria to dismantle the mechanism and transport it to their workshops in the Lake District for major overhaul. Stuart and Jacob were very workmanlike, having many years of experience between them.
You can see from the pictures the task before them, as well as the sheer number of component parts. Stuart was pleased to observe that parts were well-marked in order to make re-assembly easier. How very far-sighted of Handley & Moore, well-known London clockmakers, who designed and built it all those years ago!
The work – among other things - will involve de-greasing and re-greasing lots of moving parts, and re-bushing some spindles, which have worn from round to oval. Some moving parts will need mending or replacing. Well, 213 years is a long time!
The local bell-ringing community are pleased to learn that they can continue their campanology while the clock is on holiday. The clock, which rings the Westminster chimes, uses the same bells, though unlike the ringers the clock uses clappers to sound stationary bells.
The work is expected to take two or three months. I will return when the disassembled clock returns, and report on how the work progresses. We at St Peter and St Paul are really looking forward to that day!

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Community Christmas lunch

We held the Community Christmas lunch in church on Tuesday 17th December 2019.

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Danny's licencing at Loudwater

Danny Rodgers, late of this parish, was instituted as Vicar of St Peter's, Loudwater, on Wednesday 13th November 2019. The Bishop of Buckingham, Bishop Alan, presided. We took a coachload down to cheer him on, and the local congregation greeted Danny, Ali, Peter and Emily very warmly. We were even given party poppers to use at the right moment, as you can see!

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Remembrance 2019

Major Revd Will Pearson-Gee led the traditional service of Remembrance round the War Memorial on Sunday. 
A few photos capture the occasion, where the weather was dry and bright, if not warm.

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Wow, what a weekend that was!! Superb teaching from Paul and Christine Perkin, wonderful food throughout, and hilarious entertainment on Saturday night. All in all, an unforgettable experience.
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Leadership Social

All kinds of leaders gathered for a social at BPC on Monday 8th July 2019. Will welcomed and thanked all those who lead in various areas of church life. Special thanks to Jacqui and Alex for a superb supper!

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Benefice lunch at Beachampton

Beachampton hosted a Benefice Lunch on Sunday 23rd June 2019. There was the added celebration of Cyril's birthday, so we all sang 'Happy Birthday' at the tops of our voices! mini-IMG 1357

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Easter Alive 2019                 Top

Easter Alive! took place on Easter Sunday at 6pm and the service included several baptisms by total immersion. When Danny Rodgers (curate) invited anyone who wanted to be baptised to come forward, Leonie made the decision to go to the front and was duly immersed!







Good Friday 2019                 Top

On Good Friday, St Peter and St Paul's church held a half-hour service in church before processing to the Old Gaol following the Cross.  We were addressed by a Roman Centurion and Rev Tim Edworthy. After the gathering, we descended on The Centre in Verney Close for hot cross buns.








Men's and Women's Breakfast              Top

Ali and Danny Rodgers spoke very movingly at the men's and women's breakfast on April 6th. They recently adopted two young children, Emily and Peter, and they related their experience. The breakfast was excellent too!












Farewell, Kings! 2019







Community Christmas Lunch 2018              Top





Alpha Course Autumn 2018              Top

Alpha autumn 2018 crop


Benefice Christmas lunch, December 2nd 2018              Top




Sparkles evening              Top


Jacqui Cooke organised a Sparkles evening to raise money for the kitchen.


A few of the sparkling people who attended. Alex and Jacqui Cooke above left.

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Farewell to Gussie               Top

We sadly said farewell to Revd. Gussie on October 28th. She will be much missed, not least in the villages.


Gussie is the one on the right...


Typically exuberant Gussie, presiding at her last communion in Buckingham.

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click to see more

Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 

The following information is specifically for those planning a visit, so that you know, beforehand, what to expect on a Sunday morning.

Where and When

We meet at BP Church for our Sunday Services starting at 9am, 11am or 6pm. When you arrive, you should be greeted by someone on our Welcome Team who will be wearing a Welcome lanyard.

We serve tea, coffee and biscuits before the services begin. It is a great way to meet people, or simply take time to find your bearings. All refreshments are free.

images: Services

What about my kids?

Click here for our kids programme.

The kids group activities vary depending on the age but usually there is a friendly welcome, bible stories, testimonies, praying, music, craft, drama, fun games and free play. Please pick your children up as soon as the service finishes.


Getting Connected

Connect Groups

While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Being part of one of our small groups allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have a variety of groups that meet throughout the week, some afternoons and some evenings. Check out Connect Groups and see if there’s one that you could join, or we can put you in touch with a small group leader who will be more than happy to invite you along to their group.

Serving and Volunteering

If you want to get involved in the life of the church and help us make Sundays run smoothly, you can sign up to serve on a team. 

Other Ministries

We also run the following ministries:

  • Men's Ministries
  • Women's Ministries
  • Foodbank
  • Choir
Get in touch with us to plan your visit
If you would like to come and visit the church beforehand you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.
Email Address:
Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?

Next, we will contact you by email to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.


WPG Mug shot   MicrosoftTeams-image
Will Pearson-Gee   Jo Wigley
Rector       Associate Minister for Pastoral Care
We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at our church.

Best Wishes